Super Trash Heroes




Medium Group Project


As a team we were given a selection of previously worked on projects and we must choose one to take further. Within this module we had three projects to work on including this one, where one had to be made to an 'Alpha' stage, another to Beta and one to final release. This one we chose for final release.

Super Trash Heroes is a game in which teaches players about environmental issues. The game is a classic 2D beat em' up. Players fight through multiple levels, defeating bosses and overall beating the game.

The game we received had a few levels and many broken mechanics. The standard of coding was also completely different from the 2015 version we got. I had several jobs for this project.

  • Improve an existing level to make AI work and the pathway to the end interesting.
  • Create a whole new level.
  • Add transitions to the levels.
  • Fix a boss mechanic.
  • A selection of other minor fixes etc.
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